Healthy Minds releases 2020 impact report
October 7, 2020
Healthy Minds Policy Initiative has released its 2020 annual impact report, which overviews the organization’s research and strategy accomplishments during a year marked by a heightened mental health and addiction crisis due to an unprecedented pandemic.
Healthy Minds Policy Initiative was launched in mid-2019 by The Anne and Henry Zarrow Foundation with a mission to work collaboratively with state and community leaders to data-driven research and strategies that reduce the devastating impact of untreated mental health and addiction issues on our communities.
Annual highlights of this work include:
- Issuing a landmark COVID-19 report quantifying increases in suicide, addiction and other impacts of the pandemic on Oklahomans’ mental health
- Supporting the Oklahoma State Legislature’s strong response to an emerging mental health crisis, with its passage of legislation such as mental health parity transparency (SB 1718 by Sen. Montgomery, Sen. Haste and Leader Rep. Echols)
- Launching a resource-rich website and data dashboard
- Launching a revamped mental health policy fellowship funded by The Anne and Henry Zarrow Foundation, and expanding a staff of locally-grown specialists and national experts
- Working with state, community, police and education leaders working to advance data-driven community-oriented solutions.