Legislative accomplishments

Drawing on our original research and extensive knowledge of Oklahoma’s mental health needs, Healthy Minds works with policymakers to champion behavioral health legislation that strengthens systems of care for Oklahomans.  

Healthy Minds' key legislation by year:

2024 legislative session

Funding new psychiatry residency positions

The Legislature appropriated over $5 million to behavioral health workforce development funds at the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University to provide initial funding for eight new psychiatry residency positions, a 30% increase and an important step toward remedying the state's critical shortage of psychiatrists.

Making Oklahoma competitive for social workers

HB 3015 by Rep. Jeff Boatman and Sen. Jessica Garvin | Full text

To be a licensed clinical social worker in Oklahoma, candidates had to complete 4,000 hours of supervision – about 1,000 more than national averages and requirements in neighboring states. HB 3015 lowers the requirement to 3,000 hours, allowing social workers to join the workforce faster and making Oklahoma a more attractive place to train and practice.

Collecting a clearer picture of Oklahoma's workforce

HB 3330 by Rep. Cynthia Roe and Sen. Paul Rosino | Full text

HB 3330 will streamline data collection for four boards that license behavioral health workers, painting a clearer and more complete picture of the state’s workforce over time. Under HB 3330, the boards will ask licensees a standard set of questions, including demographic details and information about their training and education, providing insight into the strength of Oklahoma's behavioral health workforce.

2024 session highlights

2023 legislative session

Accuracy in insurance network directories

SB 442 by Sen. John Michael Montgomery and Rep. Chris Sneed | Full text

SB 442 takes on the issue of “ghost networks” and aims to make it easier for Oklahomans to find in-network mental health care by requiring insurance companies to update their provider directories every 60 days. The bill also requires insurers to remove providers from plan directories if the provider hasn’t submitted a claim to the plan in a year.

Ensuring timely access to care

SB 254 by Sen. Jessica Garvin and Rep. Jeff Boatman | Full text

SB 254 requires commercial insurance companies to arrange behavioral health care for plan members if they can’t find timely care on their own. It also caps costs for patients if the insurer makes arrangements for the patient to see an out-of-network provider.

Career pathways for mental health clinicians

HB 2175 by Rep. Cynthia Roe and Sen. Paul Rosino | Full text

HB 2175 creates the Behavioral Health Workforce Development Fund, which can be used to fund early-career pathways, retain existing professionals and support clinicians who want to advance their careers.

Supporting integrated primary care

SB 444 by Sen. John Michael Montgomery and Rep. Nicole Miller | Full text

SB 444 activates medical billing codes that allow primary care doctors, psychiatrists, and mental health providers to be reimbursed when they collaborate to treat patients in what’s called the Collaborative Care model. In this model, psychiatrists can support primary care doctors and consult on cases, and other mental health providers can support both positions while often also providing therapy down the hall.

2023 session highlights

2022 legislative session

Preventing student suicide

HB 4106 by Rep. Mark Vancuren and Sen. Dewayne Pemberton | Full text

HB 4106 ensures every school in Oklahoma has a protocol for responding to students in suicidal and mental health crises, establishing partnerships between schools and community behavioral health care providers. It took effect July 1, 2022, and is being implemented statewide.

Strengthening parity enforcement

SB 1413 by Sen. John Michael Montgomery and Rep. Chris Sneed | Full text

SB 1413 strengthens Oklahoma’s ability to enforce parity in insurance coverage between mental and physical health care. The law, which took effect Nov. 1, 2022, aligns state parity reporting requirements for insurance companies with federal requirements, making compliance easier for insurers and encouraging more transparent and useful reporting.

2022 session highlights

2021 legislative session

Establishing telehealth parity

SB 674 by Sen. Greg McCortney and Rep. Marcus McEntire | Full text

SB 674 requires that health care providers are reimbursed at the same rates for similar services they deliver via telehealth as they would for services they would provide during an in-person visit.

Gathering data on students' mental health needs

HB 1103 by Rep. Mark Vancuren and Sen. John Haste | Full text

HB 1103 greatly expanded the use of the Oklahoma Prevention Needs Assessment, a survey given to students at the 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th grade levels. About half of schools were already using it, but now all schools deliver the survey to help schools and communities better understand and respond to students’ needs.

Promoting harm reduction practices

SB 511 by Sen. John Michael Montgomery and Rep. Carol Bush | Full text

SB 511 allows medical practitioners, law enforcement, tribes, and registered social services entities to administer harm-reduction syringe exchange programs, with oversight by the state Department of Health.

2021 session highlights

2020 legislative session

Requiring transparency around parity

SB 1718 by Sen. John Michael Montgomery and Rep. Jon Echols | Full text

SB 1718 created important data and transparency requirements around existing parity laws for Oklahoma.